~~ About Me ~~

Alexandra Peace edits, proofreads, and indexes in rural Nova Scotia within a strong national and international network of colleagues. Alexandra indexes scholarly and trade books, edits trade books, and teaches indexing at the Chang School, Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU, formerly known as Ryerson). She has a science degree from McMaster University from a long time ago.

Alexandra has fun at all the webinars and conferences at indexing societies everywhere. She can be inveigled into talking about indexing at the drop of a hat, unless she is out walking her dogs at any one of five local beaches. Alexandra has won volunteer awards from both Editors Canada and ISC/SCI.

See below for education and ongoing professional development. See the individual pages of editing, proofreading, and indexing for examples of work done recently. See also the testimonials page for evidence of clients’ satisfaction.

“Alex was a pleasure to work with. I appreciated her professionalism throughout the process, including the prompt replies to my questions, the reasonable quote and straightforward invoicing, the genuine engagement with the manuscript, and the high quality of the work. Thank you, Alex—I look forward to bringing my next manuscript to you!” — Maneesha Deckha, Animals as Legal Beings


I teach indexing at The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU, formerly Ryerson University).


Various editing groups, on indexing, 2020–present
Editors Canada, Saskatoon, on indexing the TRC reports, with Margaret de Boer, 2018
Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI), Montréal, on indexing the TRC reports, with the indexing team, 2017
American Society for Indexers, Chicago, on indexing the TRC reports, with the indexing team, 2016


Editors Canada, Lee D’Anjou Volunteer of the Year Award, 2020
Editors Canada, President’s Award, 2016
Indexing Society of Canada / Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI), President’s Award, 2017

Post-Secondary Education

McMaster University, 1989, BSc in Psychology
Ryerson University, 2017, Publishing Certificate

Courses included: Copy Editing, Substantive Editing, Proofreading, Grammar, Indexing, Government Reports, Publishing Overview: Education, Visual Skills for Publishing, Book Design, Publishing Overview: Trade

Editing Recipes, 2020

Workshops and Webinars

Nova Scotia Twig/Editors Canada: Intermediate Copy Editing, Grammar Boot Camp, Plain Language Editing, Eight-Step Editing, Punctuation, Period!

ASI (American Society for Indexers): Embedded Indexing, Successful Subheadings, Structured Indexes, Indexing in InDesign, Metatopic, Cindex, Culinary Indexing

Copyediting.com audio conference on File Management and Version Control

Meetings and Study Groups

Wolfville Editors monthly meetings
Editors Nova Scotia quarterly events in Halifax
study groups for both editing and indexing

Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading: online, 2020; online, 2021

Editors Canada: Halifax, 2013; Toronto, 2014 and 2015; Vancouver, 2016; Ottawa–Gatineau, 2017; Saskatoon, 2018; Halifax, 2019; online, 2020

Indexing Society of Canada: Toronto, 2014; Victoria, 2015; Chicago, 2016; Montréal, 2017; Winnipeg, 2018; Ottawa, 2019; online, 2021

Communication Central: Rochester, 2016

Volunteer Work

Editors’ Association of Canada (Editors Canada)

Editors Nova Scotia co-coordinator, 2016–2018
Recording secretary for the national executive council, 2015–2020
Editor, Active Voice /Voix active, 2016

Indexing Society of Canada

International Liaison to ICRIS (International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies)
Past President, 2023–present
President or Co-president, 2017–2023
Conference 2017 Chair, Conference 2018 Chair, Conference 2020 Chair, Conference 2023 Chair
Eastern Representative on the ISC executive, 2015–2017

Email me with any questions you have.